When an account becomes past due, the system will lock that account and all of its Entities. Those with access will be able to see the entity and select it, but they cannot add any new resources to it including people, files and more. Please submit a ticket to get us to unlock the account for a period of 24 hours. During that window, you will have full access to your account. You must login and correct the unpaid amount, or downgrade your plan to a free account.

Note: When an account is blocked for failed payment, and the account resources are below the maximum resources for a free account, your account can be lowered to a free account and you'll have access to all your content. If you are using more resources than the free account allows, you can remove resources to lower your resource utilization below the free line and then downgrade your plan to free.

WARNING: If you are past due for more than 180 days with no action on your part to contact us, your account will be considered "ABANDONED". If that happens, your entire Entity and its content will be permanently deleted and it's non-recoverable. We pay for those resources and cannot continue to do so on abandoned accounts.