The Inbox is your default view when you login to the program. The Inbox consists of“Notifications” and “Reminders”. You are going to love this feature as it’s what you need to keep up with what is happening in your business operationally speaking. You will always default to the Notification view upon login or selecting the Inbox button from the left Navigation Pane.

In the diagram below are 4 key items to point out:

  1. Inbox Button – This is what you are automatically on when you login and you can return here anytime by simply clicking the button.
  2. Notification/Reminder Selection – This is the selector informing you what you are looking at. To view Reminders, simply click on Notifications and select Reminders.
  3. X of Y Information – This will tell you how many notifications you are currently viewing and and the total number of unread notifications you still have in your Inbox. When you select a notification, that notification disappears and the content for it appears to the right. Your count drops by one.
  4. Notifications – This shows the date the notification was created and also tells you what account name made the change, what action was taken (added, modified, deleted), what content was involved, and finally what organization/entity the occurrence happened. Selecting it will display the content in the right pane and will be immediately removed from the inbox. The purpose of the inbox is to keep you up to speed on every change, addition or deletion made in the system by someone other than you.
  5. Delete Many Notification Icon – This provides you the ability to remove several or all of the notifications in your view. It’s a convenient way to remove many items quickly when needed.