3 WORK PANES: Navigation, Hierarchy, & Content


Left Pane: The left pane is command central. This is where you conduct your primary navigation to drill down to the content you are ultimately seeking. This pane is the premise for the types of content you are wanting to create and it is where you will strategically decide on how to use Entities and Functions as you build out your structure. We have an entire training on ideas on how to structure your Entities and Functions, but at the end of the day, this tool should be used to mirror your business structure, not force you to ours. So when you know your own structure, we can associate how to get it built into DocAndDo.

Center Pane: The center pane is where the main functional hierarchy lives. And this is true for any of the 2 function types. When you define the highest level you want in your functional structure, you build out the logical hierarchy that enables you to manage your business with everything at your fingertips when you need it well organized for easy use throughout your business. The structure you create has the ability to be altered later so getting it perfect on day 1 is not necessary. What is necessary is getting started with the functions that will help you the greatest when they are here. So we start there.

Right Pane: The right pane is where the content of any type of functional hierarchy lives. This is defined by the 2 unique functional types, however, the premise is the same. There are files, sections or steps depending on the type. After that, there are useful fields to properly address the needs of that type of content. Those fields are noted below.

  • For files, the following fields are available per hierarchy item: file upload, file upload history (file load history), comments, reminders, tags, followers, media/supporting files, owner, and revision history (action history)
  • For documentsthe following fields are available per hierarchy item: sections, section revision history, media/supporting files, comments, reminders, tags, followers, revision history, and owner